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Why Pendulum Works | Asking a Question | Guidelines Needed |
Your Divine Pendulum will give you the answer. Of course questions must be direct to the point. They must be clear and with no deviation of the subject. And, your body physical and mental condition will also play a big roll, in which the question is answer.
How the Divine Pendulum work:
Your Divine Pendulum should not be associated with any religion, spirits, black magic or white magic. It should only be a personal instrument that represents your natural force within you. Let go your ego or teaching from your family and friend that life has mysteries, and you don’t know the answers. When you do that and say: STOP, May My Divine Force Be With Me. I will use my Divine Pendulum as an instrument to show me the answer to my question.
“The powers of the Divine Pendulum is only limited to” your imagination”
Using your “Divine Pendulum” designed by Master, Alfred G Jr. is very different from using a Regular Pendulum. The different is in knowledge, in using it with its Blessed. Designed in harmony with the laws of our universe for the well-beaning of our Universe and all living thing. Master, Alfred G Jr.