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Create a Missing Person Profile and Summit to Master, Alfred G Jr         Friendly PDF View/Print

Master, Alfred G Jr., has Two (2) Terms and Condition that you must agree before submitting a request to locate a Missing Person.  No. 1: All Personal Profile Request are totally private, the credit of the outcome is all yours, Master, Alfred G Jr. dose not want any publicity.  No. 2: If the person in search has committed a crime you must agree that when located and apprehended the person will not be killed, detained to separate from society OK, but not killed. 

What You are about to read could sound quit Bazaar and maybe you are not ready to understand we recommend you to leave this page and Thank You for Visiting.
First, understand that the Divine Pendulum user in locating a Missing Person will be using two systems at the same time;  
1.  Using a “Yes” and “No” communication with that Missing Person in the Astral Plane where there is “No Time or Space” and only the Truth is stated by that person “Divine Been” with the “Divine Pendulum.” Weather the physical Human Body is dead in the human form or alive is regardless. Ask the questions and get the answer. Master, Alfred G Jr. 
2.  Using a Digital Map (Google Earth) and a series of Vectors with distance calculation to pin point the (latitude and longitude) GPS coordinates. To locate Human Body form alive or the remains of a dead human body.  

Today’s technology make it much easier to locate someone. There are several guideline you must use but the most important one is that you must understand their is always room for mistakes and must not confirm if the person is dead or alive. The Divine Pendulum will tell you but that is between you and your Divine Pendulum. And yes you can locate the person dead or alive.

These are some of the basic steps to follow:  Download a Blank Profile Form    Complete the form and email it to Master, Alfred G Jr., at [email protected] and at no cost Master, Alfred G Jr., will research and send an answer in Good Faith. 

First Step; You need a profile of the person. It could be a simple full name and a “Picture”. The name only in many cases will not work or work as well. In some cases if a cloth item or jewelry from that person will work. But the best is a picture with clear view of the eyes.
Second Step; Where was the last destination that person was seen and where was he or she heading to. Pin point it on a map. Through out history it has always been with a paper map or similar or even on the floor with a stick. Today, I particular like using Google Earth online. 
Third StepEstablish communication with that person Divine Been and ask if its physical material body is dead in the human form. “Now, this is one answer you will know, but should not share it with anyone”. 
Fourth Step; You will establish weather that person is missing willingly or retained by someone or a situation where he or she can’t get out.
Fifth Step;  Is where you determine weather that person will come back willing or you need to set a plan to locate the person.
Our Universe Divine Rule! “No one has the Right to take the Life of Another Person” “Never locate a Person if that Person is Going To Be Killed.” Only if that person is going to be separated from society for the well being of society.